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International AREA11 今日: 0|主題: 131|排名: 9 

版主: bbsong
Hello everyone
Welcome to the AREA11 international section

This section is running in FREE Board style , anything you would like to share are welcome.

One main purpose of the section is English subtitle for drama, we encourage members to upload resyne English subtitle as much as they can to cheer this section up.
To upload the subtitle please make sure the formatting of your thread are correct.

Here is an proper example: [url=http://bbs.area-11.com/read.php?tid=82945]http://bbs.area-11.com/read.php?tid=82945[/url]

1. The Title
2. Drama information
3. Please update the subtitle regularly
4. Credit of the original subtitle team

The sub-section of the international section are : Private tracker talk
Anything about private tracker inquiry or any information you would like to share/discuss are welcome in this section.

Hope you enjoy everyday in AREA11

Thanks for your support!! Cheer!





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隱藏置頂帖 [Subtitle] 英文字幕友站 Dark Smurf Sub 介紹 digest  ...23456
作者: 愛睡懶覺@mkc 2011-6-27| 最後發表: neihc 2012-5-4 14:12 回復: 55 查看: 3298


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